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Development of Ubiquitous Simulation Service Structure Based on High Performance Computing Technologies

Sang-Hyun CHO , Jeong-Kil CHOI


The simulation field became essential in designing or developing new casting products and in improving manufacturing processes within limited time, because it can help us to simulate the nature of processing, so that developers can make ideal casting designs. To take the prior occupation at commercial simulation market, so many development groups in the world are doing their every effort. They already reported successful stories in manufacturing fields by developing and providing the high performance simulation technologies for multipurpose. But they all run at powerful desk-side computers by well-trained experts mainly, so that it is hard to diffuse the scientific designing concept to newcomers in casting field. To overcome upcoming problems in scientific casting designs, we utilized information technologies and full-matured hardware backbones to spread out the effective and scientific casting design mind, and they all were integrated into Simulation Portal on the web. It professes scientific casting design on the NET including ubiquitous access way represented by “Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere” concept for casting designs.

关键词: Parallel computation , null , null



